April 29 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice In 90s we were thrilled with a movie, produced by one of the Nollywood producers, titled "...

April 29 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

In 90s we were thrilled with a movie, produced by one of the Nollywood producers, titled "circle of doom”, today this movie tittle best describes what is happening now in the terror cell created by the British imperialist and named Niggarean.

It started with 1966 pogrom which snowballed into inglorious uncivil war tagged "Nigeria Biafra war " Biafrans fought a war of self-defence, self-preservation and survival. Biafra fought against foreign powers who were disguised as Nigeria government.

After the Biafran genocide, over 6Million Biafrans were massacred. Biafrans lived in refugee camps for three years. Our women were forcefully married to strangers. Our money was seized in the bank are and our only crime was asking for freedom and a country where our lives will matter. After the war, Biafrans were treated all over the world with disdain, no media outfit dare writes about Biafrans and our travails. The only way you would attract attention and love as a Biafran from other ethnic groups in the contraption is to show how much you hate your fellow Biafrans and to be an unapologetic saboteur against the Biafrans.

50 years after the Biafra genocide, the enemies of Biafrans are here again as usual with the backing of their foreign partners in crime. But our Elohim will not allow the enemies to triumph over his righteous people, for "affliction will not come a second time says the Lord of Host".

The lofty ambition of some people to take over the land of Biafra by force kept Nigeria in the present comatose. It started by the pushing out of office of Good Luck Jonathan former Nigeria President a Biafran. He was intimidated out of office using terrorism to blackmail his regime as incompetent and clueless, the next step was the taking over of government by the Fulani cabal who flouted the federal character policy by handing over all the sensitive political position to one ethnic minority, the pampering of herdsmen invading killing and raping of women in various indigenous communities in the contraption, the shooting of unarmed IPOB protesters asking for referendum.

The shooting of farmers by herdsmen from outside Nigeria and rewarding of bandits and terrorist with political position. The attacking of farmers in the North, Middle belt, South west and South East with Federal government non-responsive to the crying of the terrorized communities and clamping down of anybody that urge their people to defend themselves from. these terrorist from Sahel region. The visa on arrival policy for the marauding herdsmen and closing of Nigeria borders only on the south has done more harm than good to a contraption already perforated with ethnic jingoism and bigotry.

Today every region of Nigeria is now having their fair share of the doom. The poor has been crying, today even the rich and the politicians are crying as many of them may longer travel back home for fear of terror gangs; Boko haram, killer Herdsmen, bandits, ISWA, unknown gunmen, Miyetti Allah and political touts.

Let's not forget how we got here. The desire to destroy our fellow human beings out of envy, greed and lust for power brought us to this station and the same attitudes will finally destroy Nigeria. The only panacea out of this quagmire and its attendance brouhaha is to allow the wish of the people to prevail through a referendum, where the people will decide their future. The freedom of the people is now or never.

Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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