May 25 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice When a drug expires, it becomes harmful to any one that touches it talk more of using it as a m...
May 25 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice
When a drug expires, it becomes harmful to any one that touches it talk more of using it as a medication for diagnosis. It is part of standard practice to affix or insert the expiry date of any product after the manufacturing date. This is done to warn anyone from having anything to do with it after the expiration, as it is capable of killing or causing serious injury on the person.
We are aware of the manufacturing date that the manufacturer of Nigeria fixed on his product; Nigeria, the name is from the word (Nigga area) yes that is the way they see you; a Nigga; a derogatory word meaning darkness, black, misfortune, bad omen etc. The manufacturing date was 1914, while the expiry date is 2013.
100 years is just long enough for wild monkeys and baboons of Africa to realise that human beings cannot create a nation, rather nations are organic creation. Meaning men and women of different cultural background after hundreds of years may undergo different stages of cultural assimilation and affiliation through socio-cultural interchange like marriage, trade, sports etc. And they may eventually identify themselves as a people through evolutionary and mutual understanding.
Nigeria expired in 2013, since then the spirit of fake unity of Nigeria was ripped open and laid bare to the chagrin of the international communities.
The level of insecurity, corruption and administrative rascality, criminal tendency of an average Nigeria in both private and public sector is enough testimony to the obvious that Nigeria is an expired contraption.
Nigeria corrupts everything that comes in contact with it. Nigeria has made a mess of Democracy and the democratic institutions. Today in Nigeria, the Montesquieu’s model of separation of power in the three arms of government has been thrown to the trash bin. Now what you see in Nigeria is the legislative arm that is all out to do the bidding of Mr. President and the executive. All you see is the judiciary that is always coming to make press statement to defend the President on his unconstitutional utterances even without a normal court proceeding for constitutional interpretation and redress.
What you witness is military that invades communities without any legislation in the house of assembly. All you see is the DSS that arrest Judges in the ungodly hours of the night. What you see is the induction of "repentant” terrorist in the country's military without any rehabilitation and orientation. All you see is shooting of unarmed protesters by military and police and the media blackout to the realities on ground. Now we have bandits receiving ransom in public glare.
During the last #EndSARS protest, many people were shocked to see warehouses stockpiled with palliatives; bags of rice, noodles, beverages while the people are starving. These Governors still had the guts to order the military and police to manhandle their citizens who had gone out in search of food for their starving infants and children.
The rate of violence perpetrated by foreign cattle herders, bandits, terrorists organization, the unknown gunmen is nothing to write home about, the dwindling Naira currency. These can only happen in an expired contraption. Nigeria is an expired contraption and is more deadly than an expired drug.
Those praying for the peace and unity of Nigeria are wasting their time because Elohim had already demanded for the freedom of the people bound together in this unholy matrimony by the Imperialist (British ruling cabal) and sustained by Neo-colonialists (Fulani-led Nigeria ruling cabal).
We are to end Nigeria now before it kills us all.
Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
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