June 29 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice People are dying every day, people are crying against insecurity every day, you are silent, co...


June 29 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

People are dying every day, people are crying against insecurity every day, you are silent, comfortable and at ease, playing religion and minding your business, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

With all your ANOINTING, instead of the politicians to be respectful, tremble and be afraid of God in you, you are rather afraid of the politicians and afraid of being called out or arrested for standing up and out for the people. If truly, you are ANOINTED, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

Where is fear in ANOINTING? Is there any fear of man or fear of the devil in a man ANOINTED by God?

If truly, ETERNAL LIFE is at work in you, why are you comfortable and at ease in the face of a full-blown injustice against the people you ought to be speaking for and representing before God?

ETERNAL LIFE does not fear death because ETERNAL LIFE does not die. So, why are you afraid of death and afraid of speaking to the politicians and to powers that be to stop immediately the killings of the innocent in the land? Why are you so comfortable with the level of injustice and killings going on in Nigeria everyday as God's ANOINTED?

Why are you not bothered? I'm bothered about your claim of being ANOINTED because ANOINTING does not stay comfortable with injustice and evil. ANOINTING does not tolerate injustice and evil, rather, it stands up against it.

What's the use of your ANOINTING to God and to the people if you can't use it to pray and ask God for intervention to stop the politicians and the security agents from these unnecessary and unwarranted killings of the innocent people of God?

If you can't speak against evil in the land where you live with your ANOINTING, your ANOINTING is questionable and useless.

With your attitude towards the sufferings and pains of the people, how can the people believe your preaching that there is a better life after death, somewhere they have not yet gone to, when they have no better life in the NOW that they are living and seeing?

Are you not the hindrance to the gospel of Christ you and others are preaching?

I'm pained by the indifferent, uncaring and docile attitudes of the Pastors, Bishops, Priests, Rev. Fathers, different Christian leaders in Nigeria towards the people God has put in their hands to cater for. Instead of shepherding the people, they are using the people as a cover to themselves.

Instead of protecting the people, they are supporting the oppressors against the people. Instead of standing up for the people and with the people they are aiding and abetting the pains, sufferings and killings of the people.

You said you are called and ANOINTED by God, but people around you are suffering, they are in pains, crying helplessly with no help, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

People in the society where you live are being illegally and secretly abducted and extra judicially killed without a word from you against it, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

Things have gone from bad to worst in the country where you live without a word from you, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

Injustice all over the country and corruption in the high places, people are dying every day, yet you have said nothing against it, rather you are comfortable and at ease, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

People are hungry, poor and jobless, no help even when you have been anointed by God to bring help from God to them, is your ANOINTING not a waste?

But, in all of these, I thank God Almighty who is All-knowing, who knows what will happen these days for sending help to his people at this time in our life through Mazi Nnamdi KANU and IPOB.

Written by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy Enyinnaya
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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