January 18 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice Apart from terrorism, administrative rascality, banditry, aboriginal and mercantile tendenc...


January 18 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

Apart from terrorism, administrative rascality, banditry, aboriginal and mercantile tendency for conquest, I admire the Fulanis for their sleek nature and political culture. Among the indigenous populations that were trapped in the British zoo called Nigeria, it is quite unfortunate to know that, the marauding migrants from Sahel region; the Fulanis are the only ones that understand that: -

1. Nigeria is a no man's land.

2. Britain, the surrogate mother of the Zoo, is only interested in those people that will take Nigeria back to the stone age.

3. Terrorism is not a crime as long as it is perpetrated in Nigeria by the British beloved radical children the Fulanis. 

4. Nigeria constitution is only to be obeyed by the southern part of Nigeria as conquered slaves of the Fulani Emirate; the real Neo- colonialists. 

5. The major vision of Britain and her allies is to underdeveloped and undercivilized Nigeria and possibly reduce her population to the barest minimum by roping people with dialectical views together. 

Many animals in the zoo do not understand the above-mentioned subterranean issues, so, as they are busy shouting one Nigeria, one Niggarea, the Fulanis are busy shouting Conquest! Conquest! Displacement and land grabbing. 

Before you go into the charade called election, the Fulanis have already perfected their plans as advised by Britain. All the three front line parties are owned by Fulanis. This people are playing a win-win game, they can never lose.

a. APC candidate; Tinubu is only going to be a figure head and monument if they succeed in rigging him into office, the person that will decide the fate of Nigerians for the next 8 years will be the Boko Haram apologists; Shettima, because of ill health, he was well chosen even as an ex-drug baron.

b. If PDD wins, Atiku will finally finish the job of handing over Nigeria to Fulani migrants for total conquest of the Zoo. 

c. The Labour party candidate Peter Obi has a very smart running mate in the person Ahmed Datti, another Fulani cool ranger who will keep Peter Obi on check to avoid distorting the ongoing project of the Fulanis. Peter Obi’s choice of candidacy was well arranged by the British, to woo Biafrans into the fraud called Nigeria election and Igbo presidency so as to water down the Biafra agitation.  I am even afraid for his life especially now that Buhari led government has proved to Nigerians that it is possible for the presidential convoy, the defence academy, the Army headquarters to be attacked by terrorists living in the same country, I just pray he doesn't end up like Late Gen. Aguiyi-Ironsi. 

Can Labour party candidate defeat Boko haram, ISWA, Fulani herdsmen, the Fulani warriors known as bandits with a Fulani running mate? 

Nigeria as an expired British rogue state is now a blood suckling demon, fulfilling the DEPOPULATION POLICY of the Illuminati NEW WORLD ORDER.  

Only Biafra Restoration will save you as an Igbo man or as an indigenous person in the contraption. 

Written by:
Obi Emma
For: Biafra Restoration Voice -TBRV

Published by: 
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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