February 06 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice Just few weeks ago, I watched a video clip on Facebook where an Hausa man was actually be...


February 06 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

Just few weeks ago, I watched a video clip on Facebook where an Hausa man was actually begging the Igbos to vote for Peter Obi the presidential candidate of Labour Party. In his own words he said the average Hausa man is a slave in his own land. Slave to the Fulanis, all the Emirs and Sultan including majority of the Political leaders like the Governors are all Fulanis. He made reference to the Igbos where all the traditional and political leaders, are all Igbo people. And are better positioned to deliver Nigeria.

Let us look at the scriptures. John 8:36 - If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. The Bible made us to know that man is a tripartite being, (three in one) having spirit, soul and body.

You are only free indeed when your spirit, soul and body are free. I believe so much in political freedom but I also have regards to economic, traditional, religious and technological freedom. 

Hausa nation or ethnic group is a very big one with her technology rated among the earliest civilizations of black Africa. 

I have travelled to west coast and I know we have a large number of Hausa tribe in Northern Ghana and other parts of Africa. 

Biafra restoration project is the only catalyst that is able to bring the desired renaissance that will spur Africa to greatness not just Biafra, but all the tribes roped in the criminal colonisation and its attendant amalgamation. 

When the British criminal edifice called Nigeria is totally dumped, all the ethnic nationalities will be free to grow and develop at their own pace.

A little time that Nigeria practiced regional system of government in the 60s, we saw regions growing at alarming rate in terms of G.D.P., the Eastern Region was rated as the fastest growing economy from sales of Palm oil and palm kennel, the west with the cash crops like cocoa, rubber, cotton etc. The North was doing great with groundnuts, Sugar cane, hides and skin globally, before the Neo-colonialists put the regions on reverse gear by introducing the fraudulent Federal system of government; a system where the regions or state look up to the centre for monthly federal allocation to be able pay their workers salary, what a shame!!

We all know our problem is the British hold on the indigenous populations who were forced into one cage of a contraption, people with dialectical views and multiple ideologies to fight one another perpetually, while the colonialists like parasites feed fat on their natural resources. 

What happened to Kanem-Bornu Empire? Where is Oyo Empire? Where is the great Arochukwu Kingdom, Nri ancient Kingdom, Benin Empire etc. How many of our children know about Queen Amina, King Jaja of Opobo, Attah of Igala land etc?

Nigeria was created by Scottish warmonger and whoremonger Frederick Lugard and his mistress Flora Shaw, for administrative convenience and to serve the British economic interest. As long as Nigeria remains one under the British Imperialist, Nigeria will remain a killing field, laughing stock, and the poverty capital of the world.

Nigerians are deceiving themselves by thinking they can change the status quo through election without renegotiating the forced and expired unity of Nigeria, which is being dented with blood of innocent men, women and children on daily basis.

The scriptures asked a serious question in Amos 3:3 - Can two walks together, except they agreed?  

Did the ethnic nationalities at any time agreed to live together under one umbrella as a country? There was no mutual agreement, no consensus reached. That is why we keep experiencing policies from ruling cabal suggesting ethnic cleansing, land grabbing, conquest, jihad, islamization, economic strangulation and marginalisation. 

This current regime in Nigeria more than HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 have wasted human lives thereby serving the interest of the DEPOPULATION Policy of the New World Order pioneered by the Illuminati.

Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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