Any Tears For Nigerians, And The Biafran One Nigerianists?

  March 06 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice This piece has been necessitated by the compelling need to address the situation of Nigerians...


March 06 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

This piece has been necessitated by the compelling need to address the situation of Nigerians and their counterpart Biafran one Nigerianists, in view of their present state of mourning, due to the calamity of the ELECTORAL ROBBERY that befell them.

Any sincere person that gauges the mental temperature of the victims of British inhumanity and graveyard called Nigeria, and that of Biafrans that want to be more Nigerian than Nigerians (one Nigerianists), as a result OF THE PRESENT UNPRECEDENTED ELECTORAL ROBBERY, will confirm that it is beyond manageability, as their temperature, as well as their combustible tension, is at the tipping point.

It therefore becomes pertinent to consider the above question, about whether it is appropriate to sympathize, empathize, emphasize (highlight, accentuate and aggravate), or neutralize (treat with indifference and ameliorate) the pains of these victims of State terrorism, who may not have realized the array of arsenal amassed for them.

Because of the fact that the owners of Nigeria, the parasitic and predatory Britain, have long studied the selfishness, greed, and rapacious inclinations of Africans, and reinforced these tendencies with divisionistic DIVIDE AND RULE, through False Flag operations, have literally turned these victims against themselves, and anyone trying to rescue them.

Since Britain succeeded in convincing Nigerians to submit themselves to be used as instruments of genocidal extermination against the Biafran people, with the attendant confiscation of Biafra's OIL AND GAS, and the consequent unleashing of socio-political and economic genocide, all that Nigeria as a state, and Nigerians as victims of state oppression, have been doing is to consolidate the "gains" of subduing Biafrans, through various unscrupulous actions and obnoxious policies.

This has led to a situation where Nigerians support, approve, and applaud every oppressive action, provided that it has any appearance of being directed at Biafrans. This way, Nigerians walked themselves into a situation where they are at the mercy of their tormentors, in terms of choices.

A few instances, referencing the underlisted, may suffice. 
The Exclusive List, incorporating:
The Seaports
The Airports
The Railways
The Federal Roads
Electricity Supply
Quota System (Federal Character, State of Origin, etc)
Federal Institutions and other infrastructures
State and Local Government creation. 

All these were deliberately skewed against Biafrans, to the ecstatic excitement of the rest of Nigerians. When Biafrans began to draw the attention of Nigerians to the fact that these policies would not just affect Biafrans, but the generality of Nigerians in the long run, they dismissed the warning of Biafrans with a wave of the hand.

When Biafrans began the self-determination advocacy for the restoration of Biafra, which is not only legitimate and a fundamental human right, but equally constitutional, as well as one of the principal backbones for the existence of the United Nations, as can be found in ARTICLE 3 of the UN CHARTER, Nigerians began to show their ignorance again by insisting that the UNITY OF NIGERIA IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. What a demonstration of crass ignorance! 

While Nigerians were basking in the euphoria of subduing and suppressing Biafrans, the same very Biafrans began to draw their attention to the fact that the person being paraded as Muhammadu Buhari was/is not the personπ indeed, as Buhari had actually ceased to exist since early 2017. 

Everyone knows all the fallouts of the exposition, including the Python Dance, the proscription of IPOB/categorization as a terrorist group, the genocidal invasion and massacre of Biafrans in the whole of Biafra land, especially at Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's house, as well as the militarization of Biafra land, which is still enabling the secret and open genocidal elimination of Biafrans, up to this moment. 

All the above were done to condition the minds of the people for the next level of brutality, which would naturally incapacitate them, thereby ensuring their muteness.

The pitiful part of this whole scheme was that some Biafrans who had always deluded themselves by saying that they were wise, awake, and alert, and as such, the deceitful scheme of making the targeted object of elimination to work with the predatory invader to facilitate and accelerate his own elimination, called TAQQIYA, can never work on them, did team up with the invaders to work against themselves, as this TAQQIYA was applied on them, by the presentation of the MIRAGE called IGBO PRESIDENCY.

With this hallucination called IGBO PRESIDENCY, the Biafran ONE NIGERIANISTS rose up in full force to furiously stand against, vehemently oppose, and stringently resist everything connected with, or has the appearance of Biafra.

Having consolidated the mental chaining and psychological imprisonment of Biafrans with the TAQQIYA of Igbo presidency, and the rest of Nigerians with the inherent jealousy, hatred, and fear, against the Biafrans, the invading predators could not help but strike them with this daylight ELECTORAL ROBBERY.

Now that NIGERIANS and Biafran ONE NIGERIANISTS are wounded, at pains, sorrowful, and literally mourning, should there be tears for them? Of course, it's a question that we would leave for anyone to draw his/her own answers, based on the stochastic analysis of all the facts involved, as dictated by one's conscience.  I will only remind the world of the assertion of the Biafran Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, that "if you support evil, probably, because the evil is benefitting you today, tomorrow, and eventually, that evil will consume you".

So, what should be done? The only solution remains #REFERENDUM. Biafrans, through IPOB, have totally galvanized the forces that would enable referendum. Therefore, those Biafrans who were lost in the maze of one Nigerianism can retrace their steps and join Mazi Nnamdi Kanu-led IPOB, to demand referendum, in line with UN's ARTICLE 3 OF HER CHARTER, with regards to SELF DETERMINATION.

The rest of Nigerians can take a cue from Biafrans and demand for a referendum too, or they can choose to remain perpetually in the shackles of the fraudulently concocted contraption and toxic cauldron called Nigeria.

Written by:
Mazi Maduabuchukwu
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
Twitter: @biafra4ever

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

TBRV | Biafra



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ARODailyNews: Any Tears For Nigerians, And The Biafran One Nigerianists?
Any Tears For Nigerians, And The Biafran One Nigerianists?
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