Was The "Igbo Presidency" Dummy Sold To Biafrans To Whittle, Or Possibly, Stifle Biafra's Sovereignty Advocacy?

  March 11 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice It is quite pedestrian, if not stale or obsolete, to dwell on the fact that the greatest bene...


March 11 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

It is quite pedestrian, if not stale or obsolete, to dwell on the fact that the greatest beneficiary of the colonial fraud called Nigeria is the British establishment. Conversely, it remains the same British establishment that will be the greatest losers, WHEN Nigeria is eventually dissolved, for the liberation of the nationalities trapped therein.

Even in creating Nigeria, Britain knew, and had schemed into Nigeria the mechanism of using the behemoth, Nigeria, to, not only use Biafra and Biafrans as a means of sustaining the parasitic Britain, and the rest of Nigeria, but equally to use the rest of Nigeria to keep Biafra in perpetual bondage, ensuring that Biafrans do not only have not the chance to rule over themselves, but can't as well exercise their republicanism, by which Britain knew that the rest of the African continent would altogether be liberated. 

It is on the basis of the above assertion that Britain has been doing all within her powers to ensure that Biafra and Biafrans are totally obliterated from historical and geographical records. Nobody needs to be reminded about the various shades, shapes, and colours of social, cultural, political, economic, and human genocides unleashed upon Biafrans by Britain, under various covers and guises.

Apart from all the surreptitious, covert, proxy, soft, hard, and brutal genocides against Biafrans, which culminated in the mindless massacre with the intent to exterminate Biafrans from the middle '60s to 1970, leading to the murder of over 6 million Biafrans by Britain, and the consequent confiscation of Biafra's OIL AND GAS, Britain has been executing that genocide against Biafrans in various ways, from various angles, up to the present moment.

However, although Biafrans know about the heterogenous configuration of Nigeria, and the incompatibility of Biafrans with the rest of Nigerians, it is not all Biafrans that are aware of this British scheme to exterminate and obliterate Biafrans, which they have been dexterously pursuing.

But as many as understood this scheme, as well as those who have felt the intensity of the fire of the British inhumanity, through the unscrupulous and anarchical activities the British front called Nigerian government, speedily queued up behind Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his IPOB, as God sent him quite at His own suitable time to be an instrument of liberation to Biafrans.

No need to over flog the fact that since the take-off of the project of extricating and emancipating Biafra from the shackles of the British bondage called Nigeria, Britain, knowing the economic implication, has fiercely and grievously unleashed counter measures to truncate, frustrate, whittle, scuttle, stifle, and possibly, extinguish the project.

Because of the ordinarily intimidating resources available to Britain in many areas, including, but not limited to political/diplomatic fronts, media, finance, military, psychological, as well as parasitic synergization/solidarization, there has never been any hesitation on the side of Britain in the deployment of any, or all of these resources.

It is pointless to overemphasize the appointment of warrant chiefs called political leaders in Biafra land through the caliphate, for the continuation of the long-programmed Jihad, the militarization of Biafra land, the imposition of agents of the caliphate on the so-called Igbo socio-cultural organizations, the well-known Python Dance, and the recent abduction/kidnap of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in Kenya.

All these were/are the multi-pronged attacks of Britain against the Biafra Restoration Project through their proxy, the Federal government of Nigeria. Notwithstanding the above, because the Biafra sovereignty project is ordained by Chukwu Okike Abiama, Biafrans, with the meagre resources available to them, which cannot in any way be compared to the humongous finances available to Nigeria, not to talk about the combination of Nigeria and Britain, have been able to give a very good account of themselves, in terms of neutralizing the armada for Armageddon lined up by Britain against Biafrans. (The British and Nigerian foreign offices, ministries of information, DEFENCE and interior can confirm).

Because the scheme to extinguish the Biafra Restoration project has been multi-faceted, at a time, the British, through their agents called the Nigerian government, introduced the delusion, the dummy, which is also a diversionary hallucination called IGBO PRESIDENCY. With this masterful deceit, many a Biafran, including those whom you would have thought to possess some measure of presence of mind, were totally deceived, swayed, misled, and eventually rubbished.

With the TAQQIYA of IGBO PRESIDENCY, a lot of Biafrans, whose Biafranness cannot be vouched for, jumped into the ship of that deceit, with the targeted and eventual effect that even many of the Biafrans themselves rose up in stiff opposition to the restoration project. This situation was exacerbated by the OBIDIENT MOVEMENT, the euphoria of which enveloped many people in total illogicality.

Don't forget that we Biafrans insistently warned everyone that Obi was not going anywhere, as he was deliberately brought by Britain, as a mere distraction to the asphyxiating and tortuous Biafra Restoration advocacy that was having a jugular choke hold on both Britain and Nigeria. 

Today, with the daylight robbery called ELECTION 2023, with the impunity with which the robbery facilitators are conducting themselves, with the ignominy with which the international parasites and predators are treating the opprobrium arising from the ELECTORAL DAYLIGHT ROBBERY, (being the major beneficiaries of the Nigerian fiasco), and with the speed with which the major coordinators of the persistent rape of Africa, especially BIAFRA LAND, (US, UK, FRANCE, GERMANY, etc), it is visible to even the blind, that the IGBO PRESIDENCY deceit was brought, just to sway, divert, and disconcert the Biafrans, especially the gullible ones, so as to deflate, or take the wind off their steam, in their determinate sail for Biafra Restoration.

As it is, because their eyes are to a large extent cleared now, all that Biafrans need to do, as it is now VERY CLEAR to them that Nigeria cannot even afford tolerate them, is to team up with IPOB, queue behind Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and insistently, persistently, vehemently, and unwaveringly demand REFERENDUM.

REFERENDUM is not only logical, civilized, legal, constitutional, but it is also one of the principal pillars of the UNITED NATIONS, as contained in ARTICLE 3 OF THE UN CHARTER, WITH REGARDS TO SELF DETERMINATION.

REFERENDUM is most importantly a DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, which the whole world is aligning with, for the promotion and sustenance of peace in the world.

Written by:
Mazi Maduabuchukwu
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice ~ TBRV
Twitter: @biafra4ever 

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice ~ TBRV

TBRV | Biafra



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ARODailyNews: Was The "Igbo Presidency" Dummy Sold To Biafrans To Whittle, Or Possibly, Stifle Biafra's Sovereignty Advocacy?
Was The "Igbo Presidency" Dummy Sold To Biafrans To Whittle, Or Possibly, Stifle Biafra's Sovereignty Advocacy?
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