Our Heritage: "Biafra Is The Light"

  May 14 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice I will never stop being proud of my Igbo origin. If I ever I have the opportunity of coming bac...


May 14 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

I will never stop being proud of my Igbo origin. If I ever I have the opportunity of coming back to this world after my demise, I prefer to come back to this blessed land of my great ancestors. 

The only reason why light shines is because it is light. It does not matter the amount of darkness, it even shines brighter if the darkness is thicker. 

Because we are the light of the world, we don't condone evil, even if it’s coming from our own flesh and blood. Some ethnic nationalities cannot phantom this fact, so they end up by saying that Igbos don't love themselves.

Some years ago, a Facebook friend from the Northern part of Nigeria accused the Igbos of being arrogant for coming hard on some of our politicians and members of Ohanaeze Ndigbo who masterminded the stupid and senseless killing of our youth by Nigeria military in the name of Operation Python Dance. I simply told him that we have no respect for any elder or politician working against our people because of his vested interest, financial inducement or gratification. We have no apology that is who we are. 

For those politicians who are working so hard to mortgage our freedom from the devilish colonialists, imperialist and neo colonialists, you guys are riding on the back of tiger. Just like the tiger, our people will rise up and shred you to pieces, it is just a matter of time. 

You cannot mastermind the depopulation of our young men and women and think you and your children will be forgiven by the Holy land of Biafra. Most you may not even enjoy the benefit of being buried in this glorious land of Biafra. 

Biafra is the light, imagine what Nigeria would have been without Igbos, think of our investments scattered all over Nigeria including Ahmed Tinubu's Lagos. Think of Africa without the Igbos. Can you imagine the whole world without Igbo intellectuals and academicians working in America and European research institutions? 

The time has come for the light to go back to its course. What that portends is that some people may experience partial light or partial darkness depending on how they react or reacted to Biafra restoration project. 

Those conversant with ancient history know that Biafra existed five thousand years before Britain. For Biafra to rise again, a lot of great nations will lose their might. The coming of Biafra will bring about the falling and rising of many nations. Imagine India calling on Britain to return diamond looted during the colonial era. It's even happening when the current Prime minister of Britain is of Indian parentage. 

Imagine Britain threatening Nigeria and other African countries not to join "BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China)" Economy Alliance. 

Biafra is coming as a dove, Elohim is dictating the pace, even the Northern cabal and their Yoruba media dry cleaners know Biafra is around the corner. 

That is why in their arrogance and naivety, they tried to dribble Igbos out the corridors of power in the Nigeria political landscape. Because Igbos are no longer part of this shithole.   

Written by: 
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice -TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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Our Heritage: "Biafra Is The Light"
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