OPERATION THINK: "The Bloody North"

  December 28 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice During election, the politicians of Northern Nigeria project the region as being united mo...


December 28 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

During election, the politicians of Northern Nigeria project the region as being united more than the other regions. Others see the North as a people known to be speaking with one voice with a common agenda to retain power in the North or at worst strike a deal with other power brokers and stakeholders for the power to return to the North after a single term of 4 years. These politicians claim the North that starts from Benue to Sokoto state as their territory. During last presidential Election, nobody ever mentioned Middle Belt, Nigeria geo-political structure collapsed into the North and the South. 

The audacity with which these political gladiators shout North!! North!!  North!! during election, one may be deceived into thinking there is only one tribe in the whole of Northern Nigeria. But immediately after the election, the ethnic rivalry, land grabbing and ethnic cleansing resumed in earnest. 

The recent attack by Fulani terrorists on Christmas day in Plateau State was actually done on Christmas festive period to deceive the gullible into tagging it a religious war. But we all know that prior to this time, we have witnessed uncountable attacks in some communities in Northern Nigeria.  In such attacks, places of worship; churches and mosques were not spared ruining any hypothesis of a religious masterminded attacks. 

Nigerians in all the regions experienced more Fulani attacks during the last regime of Muhammadu Buhari than any other government in the history of civilian regime in Nigeria.  Muhammadu Buhari; another Fulani man who stayed 8 years promoting the welfare of his Fulani brethren across the length and breadth African continent. 

The South-West had a fair doze of Fulani herdsmen attack which gave impetus to the creation of Amotekun, and awakening of Omo Oduduwa Republic. The Fulani terrorists’ attacks in Biafraland gave rise to the creation of ESN to protect our people in rural areas.

Unfortunately, the Nigeria security forces were hell bent on clamping down innocent Biafrans with the flimsy excuses that they are commanders of ESN. They were not committed to arrest and clampdown Fulani militia/terrorists masquerading as herdsmen. This is absurd! Under the philosophy of a "State as a Social Contract", it is the sole responsibility of the state to protect her citizens, but Nigeria; the British rogue state was hobnobbing with terrorists while wasting so many man-hour and state resources trying to attack a local vigilante that was created to safeguard the people in rural communities. 

Today, Plateau state is bleeding, it may be your state tomorrow. It appears Fulanis have an agenda, and they are working urgently tirelessly accomplish it. There is no end in sight to Fulani terrorists attack in Nigeria.

SOLUTION: It may sound vague, but the only solution to caging these vandals from Sahel region is total dismemberment of Nigeria, when this is done, every ethnic nationality will protect their land and their people under the ambit of their own existing law.

Time to renegotiate the forced union of the indigenous communities under the slave name; Nigeria. It is now obvious that Nigeria unity is the scam of the millennium and the continued existence of Nigeria will put many ethnic nationalities out of extinction under the conquest tendency of Fulani British Empire for a modernized and extended imperialistic neo-colonialism. Because of abundant natural resources in our communities, every ethnic nationality should join the campaign for #UnboudningOfNigeria.

 #ReferendumNow #FreeMaziNnamdiKanuNow

Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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ARODailyNews: OPERATION THINK: "The Bloody North"
OPERATION THINK: "The Bloody North"
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