FROM THE HOLY HILLS: "The High Calling"

  September 08 2024 | The Biafra Restoration Voice Many are called to serve divinity, while others are called to serve humanity. People are ...


September 08 2024 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

Many are called to serve divinity, while others are called to serve humanity. People are called in different categories or capacities. But it is a bit difficult when you are called to deliver your fellow human being from mental, spiritual and physical slavery. 

I call it higher calling because it’s a supreme injunction by Chukwu Okike for all His creation to be free from all form of slavery. 

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was called to preach this message of Biafra Restoration, when the messages were preached, those who were called for the same mission heard his voice and knowing the voice of the messenger and that the hour has come for the restoration of the Kingdom of the Most High on Earth, they took the message and began the dissemination of information to the children of Chukwu Okike Abiama. 

If you are not called for this mission, you may not understand the burden in our hearts when we see our people suffering unjustly in this British contraption. Some of our politicians may not understand the mess our people are in. Some don't even care, as long as they still get some crumbs from the slave masters' table. 

Everybody cannot be a freedom fighter, only those who are called and chosen for this delicate task. We are also aware that, because of the delicate nature of the task ahead of us. Many of us have been killed, many are wounded, many are in exile, many are in detention centres and many are under cover. 

Just like Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, we didn't choose the Biafra restoration project, the project chose us and we have no option than to follow the message and the messenger. 

We have a heavy burden to restore Biafra, that burden is propelling us. We have our personal problems but we have to place Biafra Restoration project at the topmost on our priority list. 

Many times, I have received message from online friends advising me to forget about this "Biafra thing." I will always respond by telling them that only those called for this project will understand what I am doing. 

To wrap it up, let us see the sculpture, Exodus 2:11 - 

And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 

Moses was not the only Jewish man in Egypt, but he received a call to deliver the children of the Most High. He had the burden of the suffering of his people, that was why looked at the burden of the suffering of his people. 

He couldn't control his temper as a stammerer. He acted "irrationally" by killing an Egyptian slave Master. Unfortunately, the people that exposed Moses to Pharaoh were even the same people he was fighting for. 

As a Biafra freedom fighter, don't expect every Biafran to be happy with our restoration project. Do not be discouraged by the actions of our people or even your fellow freedom fighters. The burden of the suffering of our people globally, should propel you to positive actions that will move our agitation to the next progressive level. 

Biafra is coming, what is happening in Nigeria presently is the spiritual chastisement and the systematic unbounding of Nigeria.

Nigeria is guilty of Biafra genocide, Nigeria hands are stained with the blood of over 6 million innocent Biafrans, among whom are over 3.5 million innocent suckling babies, infants and children, who were starved to death by Yakubu Gowon, Obafemi Awolowo in conjunction with British government. 

The blood of the victims of this heinous crime are crying for vengeance before the judgement Throne of Elohim. 

Biafra is coming and there is nothing anybody can do about it. The name Nigeria will be obliterated and shall go down in history as the worst British human franchise in modern history.


Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice -TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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